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发布日期:2022-05-16 来源:Betway体育网页登录 阅读次数:



姓 名:吕红艳

职 称:副教授

职 务:


邮 箱:hylv@hfut.edu.cn

电 话:



1. 2004.09-2008.06,武汉大学,物理科学与技术学院,物理学,学士

2. 2008.09-2013.12,武汉大学,物理科学与技术学院,凝聚态物理,博士

3. 2011.09-2012.06,美国亚利桑那州立大学,联合培养

4. 2012.07-2013.09,美国匹兹堡大学,凝聚态物理,联合培养


1. 2014.01-2015.12,中国科学院固体物理研究所,博士后

2. 2016.01-2017.02,中国科学院固体物理研究所,助理研究员

3. 2017.03-2022.04,中国科学院固体物理研究所,副研究员

4. 2019.09-2020.08,美国卡内基梅隆大学,物理系,访问学者

5. 2022.05-至今,必威betway官网入口,Betway体育网页登录,副教授



  1. 二维磁性材料的设计及性能调控研究。

  2. 新型热电材料的电子、声子、输运性质。



  1. 在研主持必威betway官网入口人才引进科研启动经费,2022/5-2027/5

  2. 曾主持国家自然科学基金青年项目、安徽省自然科学基金青年项目、博士后科学基金面上一等资助和特别资助4项。


1.   T. Y. Wang, X. Luo*, J. J. Gao, Z. Z. Jiang, W. Wang, X. C. Yang, N. Zhou, X. G. Zhu, L. Zhang, W. J. Lu, W. H. Song, H. Y. Lv*, and Y. P. Sun*, Origin of the anomalous electrical transport behavior in Fe-intercalated Weyl semimetal Td-MoTe2, Advanced Materials 35, 2208800 (2023).

2.   Y. N. Huang, S. Lin*, H. Y. Lv*, W. H. Song, X. Luo, W. J. Lu, X. B. Zhu*, and Y. P. Sun, Large 3D anisotropy of magnetoresistance in MoAlB, Materials Today Physics 33, 101060 (2023).

3.   Y. P. Wang, I. Petrides, G. McNamara, M. M. Hosen, S. M. Lei, Y.-C. Wu, J. L. Hart, H. Y. Lv, J. Yan, D. Xiao, J. J. Cha, P. Narang, L. M. Schoop, and K. S. Burch*, Axial Higgs mode detected by quantum pathway interference in RTe3, Nature 606, 896 (2022).

4.   Y. N. Huang, J. G. Si, S. Lin*, H. Y. Lv*, W. H. Song, R. R. Zhang, X. Luo, W. J. Lu, X. B. Zhu*, and Y. P. Sun, Colossal 3D electrical anisotropy of MoAlB single crystal, Small 2104460, 1-11 (2021).

5.   C. Wang, Y. Gao, H. Y. Lv, X. D. Xu, and D. Xiao, Stacking Domain Wall Magnons in Twisted van der Waals Magnets, Physical Review Letters 125, 247201 (2020).

6.   H. Y. Lv, W. J. Lu*, X. Luo, X. B. Zhu, and Y. P. Sun*, Strain- and carrier-tunable magnetic properties of a two-dimensional intrinsically ferromagnetic semiconductor: CoBr2 monolayer, Physical Review B 99, 134416 (2019).

7.   S. Lin#, H. Y. Lv# (共一), J. C. Lin, Y. N. Huang, L. Zhang, W. H. Song, P. Tong*, W. J. Lu, and Y. P. Sun*, Critical behavior in the itinerant ferromagnet AsNCr3 with tetragonal-antiperovskite structure, Physical Review B 98, 014412 (2018).  

8.   F. C. Chen#, H. Y. Lv# (共一), X. Luo, W. J. Lu, Q. L. Pei, G. T. Lin, Y. Y. Han, X. B. Zhu, W. H. Song, and Y. P. Sun, Extremely large magnetoresistance in the type-II Weyl semimetal MoTe2, Physical Review B 94, 235154 (2016).  

9.   H. Y. Lv, W. J. Lu*, D. F. Shao, Y. Liu, and Y. P. Sun*, Strain-controlled switch between ferromagnetism and antiferromagnetism in 1T-CrX2 (X = Se, Te) monolayers, Physical Review B 92, 214419 (2015).  

10.   H. Y. Lv, W. J. Lu*, D. F. Shao, and Y. P. Sun*, Enhanced thermoelectric performance of phosphorene by strain-induced band convergence, Physical Review B 90, 085433 (2014). (ESI高被引论文)

11.   H. Y. Lv, H. J. Liu*, J. Shi, X. F. Tang and C. Uher, Optimized thermoelectric performance of Bi2Te3 nanowires, Journal of Materials Chemistry A 1, 6831 (2013).

12.   H. Y. Lv, H. J. Liu*, X. J. Tan, L. Pan, Y. W. Wen, J. Shi*, and X. F. Tang, The properties of BiSb nanoribbons from first-principles calculations, Nanoscale 4, 511 (2012).

13.   H. Y. Lv, H. J. Liu*, L. Pan, Y. W. Wen, X. J. Tan, J. Shi*, and X. F. Tang, Enhanced thermoelectric performance of (Sb0.75Bi0.25)2Te3 compound from first-principles calculations, Applied Physics Letters 96, 142101 (2010).



